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The Stanton Battery Energy Storage (SBES) project is a utility-scale, state-of-the-art energy storage facility. Owned by W Power, LLC and operated by Wellhead, SBES provides 68.8 MW of battery energy storage capacity with zero emissions, providing local and regional capacity and ancillary services to the electric grid to benefit the residents of the City of Stanton and adjacent cities. SBES utilizes proven battery energy storage technology to meet the need for new local capacity and reliability services, specifically in the West Los Angeles (LA) Basin local reliability area of Southern California Edison’s (SCE’s) service territory.


Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) charge from the power grid when energy, typically from renewable sources, is abundant. The system then discharges that energy onto the grid when the renewable sources are producing less, i.e., when the sun isn’t shining, or the wind isn’t blowing. The BESS results in improved efficiency and energy adequacy of the power grid. Hot days which require widespread air conditioning, inclement weather, and other natural and man-made factors can put strain on the power grid. Systems like the Stanton Battery Energy Storage facility improve the capability of the grid to meet energy demands and deliver energy where and when it is needed the most. The SBES facility will create a positive impact toward the goals of the State of California’s Renewable Energy and Pollution Reduction Act and represents an additional step in addressing the impacts of Climate Change in our communities. 


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